Compiled by Irina Shapiro
Edited and advised by Kari Robertson
Inventory of Research Gestures of Witnessing Garden 404
Back to Witnessing Garden 404
>> Introduction cycle
>> Petri Dish landscape reading
>> Relational naming 
>> Co-responding practice (or Exchanging observations regularly for long duration)
>> ‘Becoming from & with the place’ as a mode of enquiry
>> Inexpert research (similar to the citizen science movement) 
>> Tea bag Index (
>> Vent Diagrams (
>> Inventorying as a method
>> Disobedient action-research
>> Situational reading 
>> Slow Reading
>>  Disjoined corresponding (as a collective enquiry)
>> Plant tutoring / Graden tutoring 
>> Defining the cut of observation: cutting, dividing and slicing
>> Naming as mattering 
>> Slow Mowing 
>> Collaborative dreaming, myth-writing/myth-telling.
>> Ethnographic inventory
>> Composting as corresponding
>> Witnessing as enquiry / collaboration
>> Empathic strategies for learning
>> Inventory of Micro-localities
>> Joined Listening ((

It’s a set of pedagogical gestures, recipes, intentions, writings, loose settings, sketches, and ways of being that emerged or were mentioned during Garden404 collaborations and conversations. Gathered in no particular order, they feed each other and contribute to a situated interrelational inquiry or the process of meaning-making. Their main contribution is to disrupt the replicative knowledge methods and, starting from curiosity and care, engage in the process of becoming with the world of a specific scale and place. (they can be used in other situations, but they can transfer through practicing in other situations, therefore they are not methods, but rather intentions or scores).
The resulted inventory is meant as a medium for multi-relational learning situations.